Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday 19 November 2016

When can we get home

Lucas has been staying in the hospital since birth. Today marks his 26th day of stay in the NICU. Jie, would you know when can we get home?

On 5 Nov when didi got off the ventilator, mummy had very high hopes for him to get home soon. He progressed very fast from duopap to cpap to high flow nasal prong to nasal prong bubbling. Mummy was very proud of his progress & his determination!

On 9 Nov, didi was sent to NICU Level II ward where non critical patients are sent there and prepared to get home. It was a significant progress! On 10 Nov, Dr Pauline tried to off the oxygen support but didi could not sustain the oxygen saturation. I was told not to be disappointed..he will get there.

Today is 19 Nov. We have been trying for the past 9 days but not achieving the targeted saturation yet. Jie..if you are able to help, please watch over didi. Guard him from above and let him recover his lungs functions for him to get home.

Mummy is tired with my stay here..I miss Charlene too...When are we getting home?

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