Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday 13 December 2012

Angel Annabel

For the past few days, I have been checking out Annabel's blog. She was very sick, her lungs were getting weaker & I had a feeling that she would leave. When I went to her blog yesterday and read ' Sweet Annabel gained her angel wings', I couldn't stop crying...

1 year 7 days after losing Charmaine, the same feeling came back to me. I felt lost, as though losing Charmaine another time. Annabel's looks kind of resemble Charmaine; especially when she frowned. I don't know if Trisomy 18 babies do look a like, but Charmaine's face keep coming up to me when I looked at Annabel's pictures.

I recalled the day when you left us, I recalled how I shouted for you and bathe you for the last time and how you looked so pale in the mortuary. 3 December 2011 flashed back as though it just happened. Your papa gave me a good hug yesterday night and reminded me that you are in a better place now. He asked 'Do you want to see Charmaine suffer any longer'?

Of course not.. At the age of 4, you should now be attending pre school, going for music lessons, singing and running around. You should have been with us when we travelled to Hong Kong Disneyland last month. You should be shouting in glee when you see Mickey and Minnie Mouse and asking us to buy you those cute Disney merchandise.

Instead, we were there only with Charlene. We were happy with Charlene, of course. But, there was emptiness in us, more so as that day was your 4th Birthday. I silently sang 'Happy Birthday' to you and when I related this to your Papa, he told me he did the same too.

Jie, be assured that you always hold a special place in our hearts. You may not be with us now, but we shall meet again some day. While waiting for us, go play & make friends with your angel friends. I am sure you are now playing happily there...

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