Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday 24 December 2011

Our last family photo with Charmaine

Our last family photo taken on Charmaine's 3rd Birthday on 26 November 2011

We had a simple birthday celebration for Charmaine's 3rd Birthday. Her birthdays are always celebrated with close family members. Since it was a Saturday lunch, only her Kong Kong, Uncle LunBoy, Godmother Jasmine, 3rd Grand Aunt and cousin Sherwyn attended her party. We ordered KFC, Dominos Pizza and papa cooked pasta for everyone. Jasmine made this cake specially for her kai lui. 

It's been 3 weeks since we said goodbye to you

It's been 3 weeks since we said goodbye to Charmaine. I can't stop thinking of the good old times we had together. 36 months & a week, seems long for a Trisomy 18 baby, but it's just too short for me. There's still a lot of things that I would like to do with Charmaine. I was supposed to bring her to Genting Highlands, supposed to bring her to Pavillion for our yearly Christmas photo shoot.

Why did you choose to go without giving mummy any cue that you would leave us? You went quietly in your sarong (yao lan). I had no chance to hold you in my arms before you go....why?

This blog would be use to pen down my memories of you.You will be remembered forever but I am worried that as I age, I will forget the little details of you..

Laid To Rest At Fairy Park, Sendayan

Mummy felt at peace knowing you are laid to rest at such a peaceful park. I would love to be cremated and kept near you in future too. Mummy & papa will be visiting you every weekend and bring you your favourite nen nen (milk). Whenever I serve you your nen nen, I can't stop thinking how I used to feed you when you were still around. How you would raise your hands and signal you have had enough. I could still remember how I would ask you this question 'Jie, jia pa pa wu berb berb bo', then you would grin and give me a big warm smile as though telling me you are contented with your milk.

Jie, mummy miss you so much.......

Thursday 22 December 2011

Jie, mummy miss you a lot

It's almost 3 weeks since you left us. Life without you is torturing. Mummy miss you so much. I can't stop thinking of you. Why have you not come to my dreams? Are you in heaven now playing with other angel babies?